SEO Results Speaks Louder Than Words.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Case Study


It is always challenging to rank a new domain. That is why this is our favorite case study.

Key Dates:

Business Start Date: Started April 2018
Domain Register Date: Feb 2018
SEO Start Date: May 2019
Business Type: Used Car Dealership

Website Traffic At The Start of SEO

March 2019.png

March 2019

288 Organic Visits

Website Traffic Post SEO

August 2020.png

August 2020

1,670 Organic Visits

Last Two Years of SEO Traffic Growth

Total Traffic.png

SEO is a long term marketing strategy.

SEO results speaks louder than words.


Before SEO | Keywords Recognized By Google

This website was recognized for 15 Keywords in 2018 | Not their fault, it was a brand new website at that time.

This website was recognized for 15 Keywords in 2018 | Not their fault, it was a brand new website at that time.

After SEO | Keywords Recognized By Google

Now The Same Website Is Recognized for 1,235 Different Keywords By Google.

Now The Same Website Is Recognized for 1,235 Different Keywords By Google.